“What Afghanistan would lose to Persia in the west, it would gain in the east, as Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier tribes would be reunited with their Afghan […]
The hollow claims of Pakistan commitment to peace in Afghanistan have been exposed by the statement of the former UN special representative to Afghanistan Mr. Kai […]
For more than a thousand years the Afghan nation, and Pashtun tribes in particular, have resisted all foreign efforts of domination. Efforts by great empires […]
Rencontre organisée par le Mouvement Pour la Paix et Contre le Terrorisme, Mercredi 30 mai 2012 à 19 h en partenariat avec Fazal ur Rehman Afridi, journaliste pakistanais, […]
Exposé présenté par Fazal Ur Rehman Afridi Président de l’IRESK (Institut de recherche et d’études stratégiques de Khyber) le 30 mai 2012 à la rencontre organisée […]
The UN Report on Children and Conflict released in June this year covers 23 countries between the period from January to December 2011, falls short of […]