Geneva International Conference titled “Pashtun Nation, Challenges, Opportunities and Pashtun Grand Jirga in Pakistan
October 21, 2024
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Human Rights situation in South Asia: Enforced Disappearances, Extra-Judicial Killings, Arbitrary Detentions & Torture in Pakistan.

Geneva, Switzerland: October 03, 2024.

TUMUKU  Development and Cultural Union (ECOSOC),  organized a side event of the 57th  Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council at Geneva on October 03,  2024  at 15:00H, Conference Room No. XXV. The conference was attended by distinguished speakers and experts having direct exprerience with the human rights situation in South Asia, particularly in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan.


1. VERMAUT Andy, Journalist & Human Rights Defender (BELGIUM)

2. SHUNICHI FUJIKI, Managing Director of International Career Support Association (Japan)

3. RAHMAN Khalilur, Executive President International Forum for Secular Bangladesh (Swiss)

4. JABARKHAIL AZIZULLAH, PTM International Advocacy (USA)

5. Dr. Naseem Baloch, Chairman Baloch National Movement-BNM (France)

6. Habib Rahman Zamankhail President PTM France

7. Fazal Karim Afridi, President of PTM Switzerland.

The UN Declaration on protection of all persons from enforced disappearances, states that any act of Enforced Disappearances is an offence to Human Dignity. However;

Thousands of Baloch and Pashtuns are missing in Pakistan. The disappeared persons are held in 44 known and several unknown Internment Centers spread all over Pakistan, where they are humiliated and tortured. Most of them are suffering from psychological and mental problems. Independent observers believe that thousands of the missing persons have been killed and dumped in mass-graves.

Promotion and protection of Human Rights are enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Charter of the United Nations including peoples right to Self-Determination ; it is in Article 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the International Covenant on Economic, social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and in other International instruments. However; Both,  Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan are instances where these unrepresented peoples and historical nations are denied their basic fundamental rights including their right to self-determination. It is already recognized that the denial of right to self-determination is the root cause of many human rights violations.

Moderated by: Fazal-ur Rehman AFRIDI- Principal Representative TUMUKU Development & Cultural Union (ECOSOC)

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