Fazal ur Rahman Afridi- I'll show the filthy face of Paki Military to the world at UN HRC in Geneva
October 24, 2018
Fazal ur Rehman Afridi speech for the rights of Pashtuns in front of UN at Geneva
November 3, 2018
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F-U-R Afridi & Safdar Khan will participate in United Nations – HRC Conference in Geneva on 18th Sep

دامریکا غږ دا خاص پروګرام د پی ټی ایم هڅو او مبارزو ته وقف شوي کوم چی دپښتون قوم لپاره دی. ما هڅه وکړه ترڅو دپاکستانی نظامی ریاست خنده کونکی مخ په باره کی د یو این ایچ سي آر په مرکزی دفتر جینوا کی بحث وکړم او هغوی ته یی افشاء کړم. او دپښتنو دا قضیه هغوی ته وړاندی کړم VOA special programme dedicated to PTM and its struggle for Pashtun Nation. I discussed my efforts and plans to present the case of Pashtuns and show the filthy face of Pakistani Military Establishemet to the world at UN HRC in Geneva Switzerland. – Fazal Ur Rahman Afridi Four Member Committee of PTM headed by Fazl Ur Rehman Afridi & Safdar Khan will participate in United Nations- Human Right Council Conference at Geneva. We demand the immediate release of Hayat Preghal, a prisoner of conscience. I will raise the issue on behalf of PTM on September 18, 2018 at the 39th Session of UN HUMAN Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland. #ReleaseHayatPreghal #PTM